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Yangzijiang obtains new orders for nine vessels worth US$226m

Author:   Posttime:2020-12-15

SINGAPORE-LISTED Yangzijiang Shipbuilding of China says it has signed agreements to build and deliver nine vessels worth about US$226 million.

The nine vessels consist of four 2,400 TEU containerships, one 2,700 TEU containership, two 1,800 TEU containerships and two 59,000 deadweight tonnage (DWT) dry bulkers.
The two 1,800 TEU containerships were exercised as part of the option orders placed by SITC International Holdings in August. The two 59,000 DWT dry bulkers were placed by Shanghai Baosteel Shipping.
The 2,700 TEU containership will be delivered in late 2021, and the rest of the vessels will be delivered in 2022, according to Singapore Business Times.


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