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Rail services between Hamburg port and Xuzhou to be extended

Author:   Posttime:2021-05-07

THE Port of Hamburg is a top destination for rail services between China and Germany and since November last year a new link has become established between Xuzhou and Hamburg.

Later this month, the German port expects at least two more trains from Xuzhou. This latest service by Xuzhou-Europe Railway Express signals its established status in the Hanseatic City, where its sixth train has meanwhile arrived, and the service will be further expanded.
The first train to Hamburg departed in November last year from Tongshan rail freight terminal and its route encompassed Russia, Poland and Hamburg, among other points. The containers still on board are dispatched onwards throughout Europe.
In recent years, 232 links have been established between 20 Chinese destinations and Hamburg and last year throughput on intercontinental rail traffic between Hamburg and China alone increased by at least seven per cent. Total volume climbed to 107,000 TEU.
Almost 40 trains per week are running between various provinces in China and Europe's largest rail port.
"The New Silk Road is an important addition to seaborne services on the global supply chain between China and Germany. Positive developments stress the welcome being given to what is being offered," says Axel Mattern, Joint CEO of Port of Hamburg marketing.


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