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US drops extradition, Meng affair ends in prisoner exchange

Author:   Posttime:2021-09-28

SHENZHEN electronic giant Huawei has its chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou back after she was released from house arrest in Vancouver pending the outcome of an extradition hearing when the US dropped demands to have her tried on fraud charges in the States.

Ms Meng was wanted on charges of misleading the HSBC bank on her company's dealings in Iran, reports MSN News. To effect extradition, the Canadian court had to determine whether the alleged offence would have been illegal in Canada.
Shortly after the Americans dropped extradition demands, Ms Meng departed Vancouver on an Air China flight for Shenzhen. Recently re-elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed that Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, held on Chinese charges of espionage, quit China for Canada.
Both Mr Kovrig and Mr Spavor had spent over 1,000 days in detention in China - the ordeal having started just days after Canadian police arrested Ms Meng on a US extradition request in December of 2018.
Prosecutors and lawyers for Huawei have been locked in a battle over evidence since the case was unveiled in early 2019.


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