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HAFFA hails positive industry impact of HK Policy Address

Author:   Posttime:2021-10-11

THE Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics (HAFFA) has hailed the positive impact the new initiatives contained in Chief Executive Carrie Lam's Policy Address will have on the industry.

HAFFA believes the separation of the current Transport and Housing Bureau into two distinct entities, one of which will focus on transport infrastructure and consolidating the city's role as an aviation and maritime cargo hub, will result in strengthened leadership and vision as well as promote the logistics industry and consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's position as an international shipping centre.
Given that the blueprint for the freight and logistics industry has hitherto contained room for improvement, HAFFA is hopeful the new transport bureau will formulate effective policies in the future to cope with issues such as manpower challenges, rising costs, a shortage of talent, and a continual shortage of land supply for the logistics industry.
HAFFA also voiced its support for the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy in cultivating technical professionals in the aviation logistics industry in Hong Kong, Zhuhai and the Greater Bay Area, which will help improve the overall service level of the cargo logistics industry.
The promotion of "Smart Port" and the acceleration of logistics information interconnectivity in the Greater Bay Area is also welcomed by the association, which believes that only by sharing big data with stakeholders through such channels can new value-added services be activated.
HAFFA does not wish to see Hong Kong disadvantaged by high costs, with customers switching to Mainland chartered flights. The association hopes the Hong Kong government will provide subsidies, incentives or other support for charter flights in the city, and fully supports the administration in maintaining the SAR's strengths to enable it to seize opportunities such as vaccine delivery.



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