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Shandong Port Group handles record 31.5m TEU between Jan-Nov

Author:   Posttime:2021-12-09

Shandong Port Group established in 2019 and which operates Qingdao, Rizhao, Yantai and Bohai Bay ports, has posted a container volume of 31.55 million TEU for the first eleven months of 2021.

During the period, the group added 33 new container shipping services, including 14 routes for Belt and Road Initiative. The group is ranked number one among ports in Northern China for shipping services and density, reports Colchester's Seatrade Maritime News.
At the same time, Shandong Port strengthened the development for sea-rail combined transportation by operating 72 sea-rail transport services handling more than 2.3 million TEU in the first eleven months of the year.


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