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'K' Line is VSPS certified to handle car shipments to Australia

Author:   Posttime:2021-12-14

JAPAN'S Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd ("K" Line) has obtained certification of "Vessel Seasonal Pest Scheme" (VSPS) from Australia Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment for car carriers.

The Australian Government has reinforced their quarantine at vessels calling at Australian port to prevent invasion of an alien species such as stink bugs which would harm agriculture, and car carriers and cargo will be strictly inspected.
VSPS certification has been granted to shipping company that meets standards set by Australian Government. "K" Lines' measures (conducting thoroughness of cleaning inside cargo holds before cargo loading, checking cargo inside cargo holds while voyage and so on) have been determined to meet their criteria.
"VSPS approval enables us to proceed quarantine smoothly when vessels call Australian port, and we expect it will reduce vessels' schedule delay risk," the liner said in a statement.
"K" Line continues to make efforts to reduce risks of invasion of an alien species into Australia in compliance with Australian environmental policy and provide high quality and stable services, the shipping line said.


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