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Shipping sector urges passage for trapped crews in Ukraine

Author:   Posttime:2022-03-16

SHIPPING industry officials called for safe passage for hundreds of seafarers and their ships tuck in Ukraine after Russia's invasion, reports Reuters.

Ukrainian maritime officials told Reuters there are 100 foreign-flagged vessels and hundreds of mariners stranded in Ukrainian ports.
"Multiple ships have been hit by munitions, seafarers have been killed and injured and seafarers of all nationalities are trapped on ships berthed in ports," said International Chamber of Shipping secretary general Guy Platten.
"They must be allowed to depart the area of conflict and avoid further humanitarian incident."
Russia's military took control of waterways in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov when it invaded on February 24.
Ukraine Russia of targeting Olvia port facilities in a missile strike, while Russia's embassy in Dhaka declared the circumstances of the incident were being established.


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