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Asia-US container trade eases before next surge

Author:   Posttime:2022-05-17

 AVAILABLE capacity on ships on the eastbound transpacific has loosened recently, reflected by forwarders pulling back on premiums for loadings and carriers offering more slots, reports IHS Media.

However, the easing is a dip in trade lane volume before an expected uptick in the next few weeks.
"In the past few weeks, we have seen some carriers offer us small increases in space, maybe 10 or 20 containers here and there out of multiple ports in Asia, but it's the first time we've seen that in two years," said a major shipper.
Increased China lockdowns could create more choppiness in weekly Asia import volumes, as some shippers have seen factory production stall.
Chinese exporters could produce another surge when stalled shipments start moving again, with trucking companies warning of a surge of delayed shipments.
Said Werner CEO Derek Leathers: "We expect the last five weeks of Covid-19-related shutdowns at the largest shipping port in the world is about to begin to impact freight with a potential big splash whenever that faucet gets turned back on,"
Although Maersk declared the lockdowns in China have hit but not devastated Shanghai exports, Maersk declared lockdowns "may worsen the congestion environment in coming quarters."


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