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ANL boost ANZ shuttle service with Sydney call

Author:   Posttime:2022-11-09

CMA CGM's subsidiary ANL, which specializes in cargo shipments in and out of Australia, has added a Sydney loop to its ANZ Shuttle service and a new containership to facilitate the rotation, according to Australia's Daily Cargo News.

The new trans-Tasman loop calls Tauranga, Brisbane and Sydney. The initial loop connects Tauranga, Brisbane and Noumea.
The new rotation started last Saturday November 5 as the new vessel, Panama-flagged Feeder Ace with a capacity of 1,100 TEU and operated by ANL, departed from Brisbane.
ANL welcomed the first ANZ Shuttle voyage in August on the ANL-operated Tacoma Trader.
"The 1100-TEU vessel [Tacoma Trader] was introduced to help support the increasing demand for the movement of goods between Australia and New Zealand," ANL said in a service update.
"Fast forward a few months and demand for the movement of goods between Australia and New Zealand has showed no signs of slowing down.
"The ANZ Shuttle now offers further coverage allowing goods to be moved more frequently between more locations."


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