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EU plans new rules to enforce eco-shipping, health and safety

Author:   Posttime:2023-06-06

THE European Commission has sent an increased set of new health and safety rules for the European Parliament to consider, which must be faced by ships trading in EU waters, reports Athens' Safety4Sea.

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) will play a prominent role in the implementation of the new requirements to enforce the new rules.

A separate proposal puts forward changes to EMSA's mandate and incorporates these new tasks.

Proposals include requirements for flag state inspections as well as European Maritime Safety Agency training for national administrations to enhance controls.

The EMSA will support this cooperation through a revised professional development and training programme for flag state inspectors.

The proposal updates the way ships are targeted for inspection, to reflect new requirements and will attach more importance to the environmental related performance and deficiencies.

"The scope for Port State control and accident investigation will be extended for fishing vessels, where significant safety concerns persist," the paper said.


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