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Japanese autonomous ship project moves into its second stage

Author:   Posttime:2023-09-08

ORCA AI is poised to extend its collaboration with MTI, a subsidiary of NYK Group, and its partners in the second phase of the MEGURI2040 project, which is dedicated to the advancement of autonomous ships and is overseen by the Nippon Foundation, reports Athens' Safety4Sea.

Phase Two of MEGURI2040 will specifically focus on showcasing ship-shore operations utilising four distinct vessel types.

These include a newly constructed container ship equipped with a comprehensive autonomous operation system, an existing containership, a ro-ro vessel, and a remote island route ship equipped for partial autonomous operations.

Additionally, the project encompasses the establishment of two fleet operation centres.

The Nippon Foundation's MEGURI2040 project is dedicated to realising fully autonomous navigation. Launched in 2020, the initiative aims to achieve the full-scale commercialisation of fully autonomous ship technology by 2025.

MTI, in collaboration with its sister entity Japan Marine Science, is at the forefront of the Designing the Future of Fully Autonomous Ships Plus (DFFAS+) consortium.

This consortium comprises 51 Japan-based companies united in their efforts to drive the next phase of the MEGURI2040 project.

Orca AI has already demonstrated the pivotal role of its advanced AI and computer vision technology in ensuring the safety of autonomous navigation.

The company is eager to harness this cutting-edge technology within the framework of the DFFAS+ project, further advancing the development of autonomous ships.


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