





作者:   发布时间:2021年12月22日    浏览量:857   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2021-12-21
翻译:国际海事信息网 赵扬捷 张运鸿
        瓦锡兰于2019年宣布,与船用太阳能电池板制造商Solbian和船舶运营商Marfin Management S.A.M进行合作,并在2016年建造的散货船M/V Paolo Topic上进行了安装。
        通过完全集成的瓦锡兰HY模块组合方案,包括能源管理系统(EMS)和向电网提供辅助电力的电池,Paolo Topic将成为全球船队中技术最先进的同类船舶之一。
        瓦锡兰解释说:“该方案通过大幅减少燃料消耗和维护需求来实现这一目标,同时提供更清洁、更安全、更高效的海上运输。它还有助于使船舶在行业的现有船舶能源效率指数(Energy Efficiency Existing Ship, EEXI)和碳强度指标(Carbon Intensity Indicator, CII)方面处于优势地位。”
        瓦锡兰船用动力业务发展总监Giulio Tirelli说:“这个装置实现了一个真正的重大突破,使散货船能够提高其经济竞争力和环境性能。航运的去碳化是整个海事部门利益相关者的首要大事,这个独一无二的方案帮助我们向实现这一目标迈出了一大步。”
        Marfin管理公司的首席执行官Alex Albertini说,这代表了一个令人激动的发展,它将引领一个更可持续的未来。
Industry’s first: Wärtsilä installs hybrid solution onboard bulk carrier
The technology group Wärtsilä has completed what is known as the maritime industry’s first installation and commissioning of a hybrid power system combined with a PV solar energy system onboard a bulk carrier vessel.
Announced in 2019, the installation was carried out on the 2016-built bulk carrier M/V Paolo Topic in cooperation with marine solar panels manufacturer Solbian and the vessel’s operator Marfin Management S.A.M.
With the fully integrated Wärtsilä HY Module solution which includes an energy management system (EMS) and batteries that deliver auxiliary power to the grid, Paolo Topic is set to become one of the most technologically advanced vessels of its type in the global fleet.
As described, the benefits of the solution are enhanced when coupled with other sources of energy such as PV panels.
The HY Module is expected to address the marine sector’s major challenges and lower operating costs while reducing environmental impact at the same time.
“The solution achieves this through significant reductions in fuel consumption and maintenance needs while offering cleaner, safer, and more efficient operations. It also contributes to placing the vessel in a positive position regarding the industry’s Energy Efficiency Existing Ship (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) indexes”, Wärtsilä explained.
The containerised solution was placed on the ship’s deck to save space and was installed without the need for dry-docking.
“This installation represents a truly significant breakthrough in enabling the bulker fleet to increase both its economic competitiveness and environmental performance. The decarbonisation of shipping is a major priority for stakeholders throughout the maritime sector, and this unique solution helps us take a long step towards reaching this goal”, says Giulio Tirelli, director of business development at Wärtsilä Marine Power.
Marfin Management’s CEO Alex Albertini added that this represents an exciting development that will lead the way to a more sustainable future.
“We will be able to provide our customers and partners with the most advanced vessel performance and environmental quality, and it is without compromising operational effectiveness or flexibility. We would like to thank all our partners who worked on the project for this highly innovative and effective solution”, said Albertini.
