





作者:   发布时间:2024年11月10日    浏览量:159   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2024-11-08

翻译:国际海事信息网 檀智 张运鸿 


        美国海运公司Centerline Logistics与同胞的海事建筑及海洋工程公司Elliott Bay Design Group(EBDG)已建立独家合作关系,共同建设和部署一系列基于驳船的清洁能源解决方案,旨在服务于缺乏传统岸电基础设施的港口。


        该合作主要聚焦于EBDG正在申请专利的Clean Harbor Alternative Mobile Power(CHAMP,即清洁港湾替代移动电源)驳船项目。这是一种浮动平台,据称能够在船舶靠港闲置时减少高达93%的排放。








        Centerline Logistics的工程与可持续发展总监Ravi Sekhon表示:“随着港口将减排作为首要任务,找到管理航行和停泊期间所有负面碳排放来源的方法变得至关重要。CHAMP为港口和航运公司提供了一种实用且可持续的减排解决方案。Centerline很高兴能够通过与EBDG的合作伙伴关系,为全球政府和商业客户提供一种安全可靠的冷铁替代方案。”


        Elliott Bay Design Group战略扩展副总裁Michael Complita补充道:“EBDG的CHAMP驳船是减少港口排放的一项开创性解决方案。我们的团队开发了CHAMP,旨在根据需要在任何地方提供多兆瓦的清洁能源,而无需依赖永久性岸上设施。我们很高兴与Centerline合作,使这项技术投入运营,确保其在海事行业产生积极影响。”




The U.S. marine transportation company Centerline Logistics and compatriot naval architecture and marine engineering firm Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG) have formed an exclusive partnership for the construction and deployment of a series of barge-based clean power solutions for ports lacking conventional shore power infrastructure.


The partnership is focused on EBDG’s patent-pending Clean Harbor Alternative Mobile Power (CHAMP) barge, a floating platform that is said to be able to reduce ship emissions by up to 93% while idling in port.


CHAMP’s first deployments will be powered by methanol-fueled generator technology offering a range of 6 to 16 MW which is expected to provide a flexible, portable, and cost-effective alternative to traditional shore-based power infrastructure.


According to Centerline, CHAMP will be a U.S. Coast Guard-inspected vessel in the U.S. domestic market, eliminating the need for shoreside permitting or infrastructure.


Centerline and EBDG intend to disclose CHAMP fleet locations and deployments beginning in 2025, marking the next step in their collaboration.


“As ports prioritize emissions reductions, finding ways to manage all sources of negative carbon emissions, both underway and moored, becomes crucial,” said Ravi Sekhon, Director of Engineering & Sustainability at Centerline Logistics.


“CHAMP offers ports and shipping companies a practical and sustainable solution for emission reduction. Centerline is excited to provide our government and commercial customers around the globe with a safe and reliable cold-ironing solution that is exclusively available through our partnership with EBDG.”


Michael Complita, VP of Strategic Expansion at Elliott Bay Design Group, added: “EBDG’s CHAMP barge is a groundbreaking solution for reducing port emissions. Our team developed CHAMP to deliver multimegawatt clean power wherever it’s needed, without relying on permanent shoreside installations. We are excited to partner with Centerline to bring this technology into operation, ensuring it makes a positive impact across the maritime industry.”
