





作者:   发布时间:2025年02月26日    浏览量:50   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2025-02-26

翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿


        由挪威三家海工船东DeepOcean、Solstad Offshore与Østensjø Rederi合资建造的24米级高科技无人水面艇(USV)在西班牙完成首次下水。


        西班牙冈丹造船厂(GONDAN Shipbuilders)于2024年3月启动了这艘名为“Challenger”的无人水面艇的建造工程。该项目隶属于挪威三家海工船东DeepOcean, Solstad OffshoreØstensjø Rederi成立的合资企业USV A/S。此项目旨在改善船舶水下作业模式,进而能够相传统方式将二氧化碳排放量减少90%以上


        据报道,该艇2月26日在冈丹船厂(Astilleros Gondán)正式出坞。


        作为长期承租方,DeepOcean表示正与多家能源企业探讨“Challenger”号无人水面艇未来商业潜能。挪威能源商Aker BP将成为该艇的用户。


        该艇由挪威船舶设计公司Salt Ship Design设计,搭载柴电混合动力系统,支持远程操控与最长30天自主航行计划2025年投入营运。






DeepOcean’s inaugural USV feels the water for the first time


An advanced, 24-meter-long unmanned surface vessel (USV) being built in Spain for a joint venture of DeepOcean, Solstad Offshore and Østensjø Rederi has been floated out.


GONDAN Shipbuilders started the construction of the USV Challenger in March 2024, following the order from USV A/S, a joint venture of DeepOcean, Solstad Offshore and Østensjø Rederi, in a project that focuses on improving subsea operations, targeting a reduction of CO2 emissions by more than 90% compared to conventional methods.


It was reported today, February 26, that the USV had been floated out at the Astilleros Gondán shipyard.


As the long-term charterer, DeepOcean said it was working with several energy operators to explore commercial opportunities for the Challenger in the coming years. Aker BP will be pioneering the USV.


Designed by Salt Ship Design, the vessel will feature a hybrid diesel-electric propulsion system, allowing remote operation and autonomy of up to 30 days at sea. It is set to be operational in 2025.


The USV, launch and recovery system (LARS), and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) will be operated from the Remote Operations Center (ROC) at Killingøy, Norway, owned by Remota, which now includes a dedicated room specifically designed for USV operations.
