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K Line shares operational data with ShipDC in move to utilise Big Data

Author:   Posttime:2021-02-03

Japan’s K Line and Ship Data Center Co (ShipDC) have agreed to share operation data in a move to enhance utilisation of Big Data in the maritime industry.

Lee Hong Liang | Feb 03, 2021
All data shared will be from K Line’s fleet equipped with Kawasaki Integrated Maritime Solutions through IoS Open Platform (IoS-OP), the ship IoT data sharing platform promoted by ShipDC.
K Line has so far stored operation data collected from several vessels equipped with Kawasaki Integrated Maritime Solutions to IoS-OP, and has now agreed to expand the sharing for all its owned fleet of about 140 vessels.
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Developments in information and communication technology have made it possible to collect large and various data from ships in operation, according to K Line. However, the approaches for data collection and analysis are still fragmented.
“For encouraging Big Data use in the maritime industry, ShipDC is working for the common platform for ship-related data,” K Line stated.
“This data sharing significantly increases the amount of ship operation data transferred in IoS-OP, and enables IoS-OP members to fully utilise the shared Big Data to enhance their corporate value, which includes the pursuit of ship safety and economic efficiency, environmental initiatives, and the creation of maritime innovations to strengthen their competitiveness.”


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