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Japan backs Taiwan's bid to join Transpac Partnership trade pact

Author:   Posttime:2021-09-02

JAPANESE lawmakers backed Taiwan's entry into a Pacific trade pact meant to counter China's opposition, reports Bloomberg.

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) lawmakers pledged to support Taiwan's addition to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Transpacific Partnership.
The party also called on Taipei to help ensure that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co picks Japan as a site for a manufacturing hub.
"Taiwan's early participation in TPP is extremely important," said LDP defense committee head Taku Otsuka.
"We told them that we would like to support it," said Mr Otsuka.
Taiwanese lawmaker Lo Chih-cheng declared the island would demonstrate a strong will to participate.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian criticised the talks, saying that Taiwan's status concerns the political foundation of Beijing's relationship with Tokyo.
"Japan bears historic responsibility and crimes on the issue, which underscores the importance to act prudently," said Mr Zhao.
"We urge Japan to stop interfering in China's internal affairs and refrain from sending any wrong signals to 'Taiwan independence' forces," said Mr Zhao.


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