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Oakland port gains 'insufficient' to reverse earlier declines

Author:   Posttime:2022-11-30

THE Port of Oakland's container throughput increased 5.9 per cent year on year in October to 145,868 TEU, but this was "insufficent" to reverse earlier volume declines.

The port authority added that October's gains will still prove insufficient to reverse the declines earlier this year, as freight rates continue to drop, and American retailers report higher than normal inventories diminishing the demand for imports.
"Although we anticipate that overall cargo will decline on the west coast in the coming months, the recent uptick in volume at Oakland is welcome news, especially on the export side," said the port's maritime director, Bryan Brandes.
Full exports jumped 4.8 per cent, recording 66,408 TEU in October 2022 compared to 63,338 TEU in October 2021.
Full imports were up 6.7 per cent over October 2021 volume and rose two per cent compared to September 2022 volume, totalling 79,459 TEU versus 74,438 TEU in October 2021 and 77,803 TEU in September 2022.
Loaded exports rose 21 per cent from September with 62,203 TEU coming through the port.
The port shut its terminals as clerks represented by International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) staged a walkout on November 2.
The ILWU denied the walkouts were an official action of the union despite stalled negotiations with the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA).


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