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NJ forwarder fined US$1.9m for overbilling fraud charges

Author:   Posttime:2023-01-31

BLUE Water Shipping, a New Jersey freight company, agreed to pay US$1.89 million to resolve overbilling allegations for freight services that were never performed and for improper markups, reports Fort Lauderdale's Maritime Executive
The US Attorney's Office in New Jersey announced the settlement with the company, stating it had contracts for freight forwarding services for foreign military sales that the US government reimbursed.
According to the agreement, a former employee of the company, who has since been fired, created a fake company called Summit Transportation that was used to bill the US for shipping services that were never actually performed.
Blue Water cooperated with the investigation, voluntarily disclosed facts to the investigators, and with the prosecution of the former employee.
US attorney Philip Sellinger announced that Blue Water of New Jersey had agreed to settle the matter by paying $1.89 million as restitution to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act.


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