





作者:   发布时间:2024年05月22日    浏览量:116   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2024-05-22
翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿


        挪威国有能源企业巨头Equinor通过追加更多油井订单,延长了Odfjell Drilling公司所属半潜式钻井平台在挪威大陆架(NCS)上的作业时间。


        据总部位于阿伯丁的海上钻井公司Odfjell Drilling表示,Equinor已计划开发8口油井来延长“Deepsea Aberdeen”号钻井平台在挪威水域的使用期。此项延期计划将在公司现有合作期限上直接延长,从2025年第4季度启动,延长至2026年第3季度,以完成积压的钻井平台工作。


        Odfjell Drilling公司首席执行官Kjetil Gjersdal表示:“我们乐于看到‘Deepsea Aberdeen’号钻井平台能够有更多的实践机会,进一步延续同Equinor自2022年建立的合作关系。通过这些已经达成的额外订单,我们能够获得一笔更可观的、可预测且不断增加的收入。现如今,我们旗下的所有船队都确定了至少到2026年中期要完成的累积订单。”

        根据Odfjell Drilling公司提供的信息,排除一体化服务、年增长成本、绩效和燃料激励的费用后,这些订单总价值约达1.21亿美元。然而,Odfjell公司强调Equinor进一步保留了钻井平台的使用期限,在未来实际操作中可能考虑将“Deepsea Aberdeen”钻井平台合同期限延长至2029年。


        在此次使用期限延长的数月前,Equinor由于另外7口油井的开发需求,就已经延长了同Odfjell公司“Deepsea Aberdeen”半潜式钻井平台的合作期限,以完成对“Breidablikk”油田的开发。该油田位于挪威北海中部,在Grane油田东北方向10千米,水深130米处。


        这些合同延期协议继挪威公司Equinor同Odfjell Drilling公司在2020年10月签订意向书,进而于2020年11月达成交易后得以启动。这份合同内容涵盖15口确定的油井,还有9口可选新增油井,预计耗时两年半工期完成。

        2014年Odfjell公司建造的“Deepsea Aberdeen”钻井平台是一座半潜式双层井架钻井平台,能够克服恶劣环境实现正常作业,采用增强型GVA 7500设计,具备水下3000米以内深水作业能力。该钻井平台有8条系泊线,可容纳157人。在各种作业条件下,该钻井平台可承载能力为7500公吨,钻探深度达10670米。


        同Petoro公司达成价值中立的资产互换协议后,Equinor挪威勘探与生产部门(Exploration and Production Norway)执行副总裁Kjetil Hove强调,作为挪威国有能源企业巨头,Equinor决定继续为挪威大陆架(NCS)的发展和价值创造贡献力量。





Odfjell Drilling rig staying in Norway until 3Q 2026 with eight new wells added to backlog

Norwegian state-owned energy giant Equinor has prolonged the assignment of an Odfjell Drilling-owned semi-submersible rig on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) by adding more wells to the rig’s backlog.

According to the Aberdeen-based offshore drilling player, Equinor has exercised an option for a batch of eight wells to extend the use of the Deepsea Aberdeen rig in Norwegian waters. The work related to this extension is planned to start in the fourth quarter of 2025 in direct continuation of the current firm period, extending the rig’s firm backlog to the third quarter of 2026.

Kjetil Gjersdal, Chief Executive Officer of Odfjell Drilling, commented: “We are pleased to see the exercise of further options for the use of the Deepsea Aberdeen, which has been on a continuous contract with Equinor since 2022. With this additional backlog now agreed we have further significant, predictable and increasing revenue generation ahead of us and all of our owned fleet now has secured firm backlog until at least mid-2026.”

Based on the information provided by Odfjell Drilling, the exercised options have a value of around $121 million, excluding integrated services, annual cost escalations, performance, and fuel incentives. However, the company underlines that Equinor maintains further optional periods, which, if exercised, could keep the Deepsea Aberdeen rig contracted to 2029.

Furthermore, the UK-headquartered rig owner has elaborated that such optional periods consist of three optional periods of eight wells each, or approximately three times one year, with the rates for all such optional periods to be mutually agreed before being exercised.

This extension comes months after Equinor made use of another one for seven wells to extend the use of the Deepsea Aberdeen semi-submersible rig on the Breidablikk field located in the central part of the North Sea, ten kilometers northeast of Grane, at 130 meters of water depth. 

The contract extensions were enabled by the deal the Norwegian firm and Odfjell Drilling struck in November 2020, following a letter of intent from October 2020. The contract, which covered a scope of fifteen firm wells, had an estimated duration of 2.5 years along with nine optional wells.

The 2014-built Deepsea Aberdeen is a harsh environment semi-submersible, dual derrick rig of enhanced GVA 7500 design, capable of working at water depths of up to 3,000 meters. The rig has eight mooring lines and can accommodate 157 people. With a 7,500 mt loading capacity in all operating conditions, the rig’s drilling depth capacity is 10,670 m.

Following a value-neutral asset swap agreement with Petoro, Kjetil Hove, Equinor’s Executive Vice President for Exploration and Production Norway, confirmed that the Norwegian state-owned energy giant was determined to continue the development and the value creation on the NCS.

Hove further emphasized Equinor’s expectations of keeping a high production level with lower emissions towards 2035.
