





作者:   发布时间:2024年07月03日    浏览量:22   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源Offshore Energy 2024-07-03

翻译国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿


        意大利船级社RINA为中国上海船舶研究设计院(SDARI)设计的环保型阿芙拉型油轮(Aframax tanker)颁发了海工装备设计认可服务(AiP)证书。


        据悉,此船舶是多个公司联合开发的项目成果,项目中还有希腊船东TMS Tankers作为潜在船东,芬兰技术集团瓦锡兰(Wärtsilä)作为船舶动力供应商。


        意大利船级社RINA称,该船舶的设计采用一种“独特的”推进系统,不同于以往船舶所采用的传统的一台二冲程发动机和三台发电机的动力组合设置,该船舶替代性地使用两台中速发动机。这些发动机能够为船舶推进和耗电用品负荷(hotel load)提供动力。








        总结而言,“此次在2024希腊波塞冬海事展览会(Posidonia 2024)中广受称赞的船舶设计是一个里程碑,反映了这些值得尊敬的合作伙伴之间的紧密合作,意大利船级社RINA颁发的海工装备设计认可服务(AiP)证书表明建造该船舶的细节规范已经完善就位。这凸显了该船舶设计的成熟性以及所有项目参与方对船舶性能的全面审查。”。


        值得注意的是,中国上海船舶研究设计院(SDARI)设计的以液氮为燃料的8200 TEU集装箱船获得了英国劳氏船级社(LR)颁发的海工装备设计认可服务(AiP)证书。该设计是与瑞士航运巨头地中海航运公司(MSC)和德国发动机制造商曼恩能源方案公司(MAN ES)旗下的子公司MAN E&S合作开发的。




RINA grants AiP for SDARI’s eco-friendly Aframax tanker design


Italian classification society RINA has granted approval in principle (AiP) to Chinese ship design company SDARI for an eco-friendly Aframax tanker design.


As informed, this vessel is the deliverable of the joint development project, which also includes TMS Tankers as the prospective owner and Finnish technology group Wärtsilä as the engine maker.


According to RINA, the design boasts a “unique” propulsion system, replacing the traditional setup of one 2-stroke main engine and three generators with two medium-speed engines. These engines are capable of powering both the vessel’s propulsion and hotel load.


This novel arrangement is expected to achieve improved fuel efficiency across all speed ranges when compared to today’s standard dual-fuel ships.


Moreover, the design provides a compliance path for shipowners, allowing them to operate close to 2040 without incurring additional costs, according to RINA.


At that point, depending on market dynamics, they can choose to either retrofit the engines to the prevailing global fuel or convert the natural gas to hydrogen fuel, capturing carbon atoms as CO2 for storage and disposal ashore.


This milestone, celebrated during Posidonia 2024, reflects the strong cooperation between esteemed partners, with the AiP indicating that a detailed specification for building the ship is already in place. It underscores the design’s maturity and the comprehensive review of ship performance by all parties involved,” it was concluded.


To remind, SDARI received approval in principle from classification society Lloyd’s Register (LR) for ammonia-fueled 8,200 TEU boxship design. The design was developed in partnership with Swiss shipping giant MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company and MAN E&S, a subsidiary of German engine manufacturer MAN Energy Solutions (MAN ES).
