





作者:   发布时间:2024年07月28日    浏览量:160   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2024-07-26 

翻译:国际海事信息网 檀智 张运鸿 


        据悉,这艘船于2024年7月25日在荷兰坎彭的Thecla Bodewes船厂下水。该公司还举行了命名仪式,将这艘新船命名为Vertom Lisa。










        Vertom集团新船船长Roderick Kamphuizen说:“面对当今对船舶的所有要求,Labrax系列已经领先于未来。同时,惊人的燃料节省能力使其成为一艘清洁船舶。这不仅在排放方面为我们节省了大量成本,在运营成本方面也是如此。新船总是很有趣,但Labrax 7280比传统船舶更特别。”




        Thecla Bodewes船厂的首席执行官Thecla Bodewes表示:“MV VERTOM LISA的成功下水彰显了我们对创新和卓越造船工艺的承诺。”




        Vertom集团的首席执行官Arjan de Jong评论说:“随着我们Labrax系列第六艘船的下水,我们很自豪能继续为未来可持续的海运树立标杆。基于这些优势,最新船舶体现了我们对创新、效率和环境责任的承诺。”




        Vertom Lisa将于10月初完工后,加入Vertom集团舰队中的五艘姊妹船(Vertom Patty, Vertom Cyta, Vertom Tomma, Vertom Anne Marit和Vertom Anette)。






        去年11月,Thecla Bodewes船厂推出了该系列的第四艘船Vertom Anne Marit。与此同时,该公司在印度Chowgule下了12艘5600载重吨柴电混动船的订单。




Dutch short-sea shipping company Vertom Group has launched its sixth diesel-electric dry bulk vessel.


As informed, the vessel was floated out at Thecla Bodewes Shipyards in Kampen, the Netherlands, on July 25, 2024. The company also held a christening ceremony, and the vessel was named Vertom Lisa.


The vessel is the sixth in a planned series of ten Labrax vessels, each equipped with a diesel-electric propulsion system.  The dry bulk carrier has a length of 118.6 meters, a width of 14.3 meters and a full-box cargo hold of a total of 329,700 cuft.


The propulsion system comprises four generator sets aimed at minimizing energy consumption, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing overall maintenance costs.


Furthermore, the ship has a CFD-optimized hull shape and an efficient fixed-pitch propeller shaft line system to maximize the benefits of the diesel-electric propulsion system.


According to Vertom Group, combined with a number of energy-saving technologies, the vessel reduces NOx emissions to an absolute minimum. The diesel-electric propulsion system on board, in combination with the advanced power-management system, minimizes energy losses, reduces overall fuel consumption and reduces CO2 emissions.


“With all the demands placed on ships today, the Labrax series is already a step ahead of what the future will bring. At the same time, the incredible fuel savings make it a clean ship. This not only saves us a lot in terms of emissions, but also in terms of operational costs. A newbuilding is always fun to sail on, but the Labrax 7280 is even more special than conventional vessels,” said newbuilding Captain Roderick Kamphuizen from the Vertom Group.


“It is new, it is modern, it is high-tech, it is a Dutch product that we are proud of, and in addition the ships sail very stable and fast in relation to the power used. It is a real positive story on all fronts.”


“The successful launch of the MV VERTOM LISA underscores our commitment to innovation and excellence in shipbuilding,” stated Thecla Bodewes, CEO of Thecla Bodewes Shipyards.


“As a shipyard, we are proud to continue our collaboration with Vertom Group, delivering vessels that not only meet but even exceed industry standards for sustainability and efficiency.”


“With the launch of our 6th vessel in the Labrax series, we are proud to continue setting a benchmark for future-proof and sustainable maritime shipping. Building on these strengths, the latest vessel embodies our commitment to innovation, efficiency, and environmental responsibility,” commented Arjan de Jong, CEO of Vertom Group.


“We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our maritime partners for their collaboration and expertise. Together, we are navigating towards a greener future.”


Upon its completion in early October, Vertom Lisa will join its five sister vessels (Vertom Patty, Vertom Cyta, Vertom Tomma, Vertom Anne Marit and Vertom Anette) in the Vertom Group’s fleet.


The ship is specifically crafted to meet the rising demands for reduced greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime industry, the company noted.


With increasing pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including stricter targets set by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), all vessels in the Labrax series are already compliant and ready for future alternative fuels and power sources, Vertom highlighted.


In November last year, Thecla Bodewes Shipyard launched the fourth vessel in this series, Vertom Anne Marit. Meanwhile, the company placed an order for twelve 5,600 dwt diesel-electric vessels at Chowgule in India.
