




荷兰Van Oord公司旗下新一代混动布缆船将在其首个海上风电项目中亮相

作者:   发布时间:2024年09月11日    浏览量:427   字体大小:  A+   A- 

荷兰Van Oord公司旗下新一代混动布缆船将在其首个海上风电项目中亮相

来源:Offshore Energy 2024-09-11

翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿


        荷兰疏浚巨头Van Oord公司旗下的新一代布缆船(CLV)准备首次亮相,为一家英国海上风电场敷设阵列电缆。


        荷兰疏浚巨头Van Oord公司旗下的第2艘布缆船(CLV)Calypso主要用于安装海上风电项目的阵列间和出口电缆,它搭载有2个电缆转盘,因而能够同时敷设2根电缆。




        这艘名为“Calypso”的船舶于2023年8月29日从挪威造船集团VARD交付至荷兰疏浚巨头Van Oord公司,并在数十天后于荷兰鹿特丹举办了其船舶命名仪式。


        荷兰疏浚巨头Van Oord公司今日(9月11日)报道称:“Calypso号布缆船正为其首次亮相做准备。德国莱茵集团(RWE)迄今最大的海上风电场——1.4吉瓦(GW)索菲亚(Sofia)海上风电场需要敷设的陈列电缆已于英国布莱斯港口装船。“。


        根据其2021年签署的合同,荷兰疏浚巨头Van Oord公司负责海上风电场的单桩基础(monopile foundations)和陈列电缆的设计、策划、采购、建造与安装(EPCI)工作。公司旗下的Aeolus号海上风电安装船和Baltic Explorer号特种船(SSSV)目前也为了该项目正在作业。




Van Oord’s new, hybrid cable layer ready for its first offshore wind project


Van Oord’s new, next-generation cable-laying vessel (CLV) is getting ready for its first project with the pick up of inter-array cables destined for a UK offshore wind farm.


Calypso, Van Oord’s second CLV which will mostly be used for installing inter-array and export cables for offshore wind projects, is equipped with two cable carousels, which make it suitable for laying two cables simultaneously.


The hybrid CLV has future-ready engines with built-in flexibility to anticipate e-fuels aside from the ability to run on biofuel. In addition, it has a large battery pack, a shore supply connection, and an energy management system.


The Dutch company took delivery of the vessel from shipbuilder VARD on August 29, 2023, with christening taking place some ten days later in Rotterdam.


Van Oord reported today, September 11, that Calypso was gearing up for its debut as inter-array cables for the 1.4 GW Sofia offshore wind farm, RWE’s largest to date, had been loaded onto the vessel at the UK’s Port of Blyth.


Under a contract signed in 2021, Van Oord is responsible for the design, engineering, procurement, construction, and installation (EPCI) of the monopile foundations and inter-array cables for the wind farm. Offshore wind installation vessel Aeolus and special service support vessel (SSSV) Baltic Explorer are currently also working on the project.
