





作者:   发布时间:2024年09月29日    浏览量:89   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2024-09-29

翻译:国际海事信息网 檀智 张运鸿 






        Global OTEC团队正在对船体外部进行最后的焊接工作,随后将进行喷砂处理。船顶安装已完成。用于安全部署船体的关键链条已抵达拉斯帕尔马斯,其他链条正运往PLOCAN测试现场。Global OTEC表示,预安装工作将确保与船只的顺利连接。


        安装完成后,船只将被部署在距离海岸约三公里的位置。随即开始收集数据,并利用传感器和跟踪设备评估风暴多发区域的OTEC潜力。据Global OTEC称,这些学习成果对于提高OTEC结构在热带地区的韧性和成本效益至关重要。


        “安装阶段结束后,我们将从船上获取传感器读数和GPRS读数,以观察其在水中的响应情况。根据这些数据,我们可以确定它与计算模型的对比情况,并观察其性能如何,”Global OTEC的首席工程师萨姆·约翰斯顿表示。




        PLOTEC联盟包括Global OTEC(英国)、Cleantech Engineering(英国)、WavEC Offshore Renewables(葡萄牙)、加那利群岛海洋平台PLOCAN(西班牙)、Quality Culture(意大利)、Agru Kunststofftechnik Gesellschaft(奥地利)和普利茅斯大学工程学院、计算与数学学院(英国)。








Seven European partners have entered the final stages in the hull construction of the storm-resistant ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) prototype at Hidramar Shipyard in Gran Canaria, Spain.


Developed under the EU-funded project PLOTEC, the initiative is now progressing towards the installation phase in the Atlantic Ocean, where the structure will undergo testing in a relevant environment.


Global OTEC’s crew is completing the final welds on the exterior of the hull ahead of sandblasting. The roof installation is already complete. Chains, crucial for secure deployment of the hull, have arrived in Las Palmas, with additional chains en route to the PLOCAN test site. The pre-installation work is set to ensure a smooth connection to the vessel, Global OTEC said.


Once installed, the vessel will be positioned approximately three kilometers off the coast. Data collection will commence, utilizing sensors and tracking devices to assess OTEC’s potential in storm-prone regions. According to Global OTEC, the learnings are important to advance the resilience and cost-effectiveness of OTEC structures to power the tropics.


“After the installation phase, we will be taking sensor readings off the vessel and GPRS readings off the vessel to see how it’s responding in the water. From that data, we can determine how it compares against the computational models and see how it performs,” said Global OTEC’s Lead Engineer, Sam Johnston. 


The EU-backed project, which began fabrication in March, is dedicated to supporting the renewable energy transition in small island developing states (SIDS) that are known for severe weather conditions. 


The PLOTEC consortium includes Global OTEC (UK), Cleantech Engineering (UK), WavEC Offshore Renewables (Portugal), The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands PLOCAN (Spain), Quality Culture (Italy), Agru Kunststofftechnik Gesellschaft (Austria) and University of Plymouth School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (UK). 


In June, the project’s partners reached the midway point of the construction of the OTEC prototype. 


Horizon Europe and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) awarded €3.5 million for the project in December 2022.
