





作者:   发布时间:2024年10月09日    浏览量:81   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2024-10-09

翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿


        英国液化天然气及生物液化天然气中游企业Avenir LNG与意大利能源巨头Eni的分公司LNG Shipping签署了一份定期租船协议,租赁其名下所属的一艘液化天然气加注船。


        基于这份约定了数年期限的协议,意大利能源巨头Eni将租下这艘名为Avenir Aspiration的7500立方米液化天然气加注船,该船的交付时间将于2025年在欧洲启动。






        据该公司表示,包括期权在内,这笔租船订单增加了超过2.85亿美元的第三方租船收入积压(revenue backlog),保障了公司在未来十年拥有额外的长期可持续性现金流。


        对此,Avenir LNG公司的执行董事Jonathan Quinn评论道:“我们乐于同Eni公司合作,支持他们迈入液化天然气加注市场。这笔订单将巩固Avenir公司作为现代化高效小规模液化天然气船舶的可靠合作伙伴的地位,同时还将帮助我们实施推动液化天然气成为全球性海事燃料的策略。我们期待与Eni公司开启这段长期合作关系,也将一如既往地提供最高标准的安全和运营标准。”。






Avenir’s LNG bunker vessel to go on multi-year charter to Italian energy major


UK-based midstream LNG & BioLNG company Avenir LNG has signed a time charter party (TCP) with LNG Shipping, a subsidiary of Italian energy major Eni, for one of its LNG bunker vessels.


Under the multi-year deal, Eni will charter the 7,500 cubic meter (cbm) LNG bunker vessel Avenir Aspiration, commencing from delivery in Europe in 2025.


The 2021-built bunker vessel currently trades alongside in the Northwest Europe performing small-scale supply services and ship-to-ship bunkering operations as part of Avenir’s physical LNG trading division, Avenir Supply and Trading.


“With this announcement, the company continues to deliver on its chartering strategy which has successfully concluded four new term charter agreements over the past 12 months across its fleet of five vessels on the water and two under construction,” Avenir said.


According to the company, the charter increases the third-party charter revenue backlog, including options, to over $285 million, securing additional long-term sustainable cashflow over the next decade.


Jonathan Quinn, Managing Director of Avenir LNG, commented: “We are excited to be working with Eni to support their expansion into the LNG Bunkering market. This transaction further solidifies Avenir as the trusted partner for modern and efficient small-scale LNG vessels as well as delivering on our strategy to facilitate the growth of LNG as a marine fuel globally. We look forward to embarking on this long-term relationship with Eni whom we will serve with the highest safety and operational standards which Avenir has come to be known for.”


The UK player recently revealed its intent to divest from the HIGAS LNG storage terminal in Sardinia, Italy, as part of a shift to ‘exclusively’ focus on providing ‘efficient and sustainable’ small-scale LNG supply solutions.
