




挪威DeepOcean与海底施工船Orient Adventurer再度合作

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挪威DeepOcean与海底施工船Orient Adventurer再度合作

来源:Offshore Energy 2025-01-08

翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿


        挪威海工船运营商DeepOcean和中国台湾东方风能(DFO)就其旗下的高规格海底施工船Orient Adventurer签订船舶租赁协议,约定该船舶将在2026年初至2027年末期间加入挪威DeepOcean船队,这是两家公司的第二次合作。










        该船舶最初名为Polar Onyx,现在基于其签署的海上风电合同服务于东南亚。该船舶配备了一个250吨的吊机和一个275吨的电缆垂直铺设系统(VLS)。挪威DeepOcean公司后续将在其机库安装两台无人遥控潜水器(ROVs)。此外,还可选择安装一台甲板下转盘(underdeck carousel)用于运输和敷设电力电缆。


        挪威DeepOcean公司首席执行官Øyvind Mikaelsen表示:“我们很激动能和这艘高质量海底施工船再次合作。过去三年,基于我们签署的租赁协议,该船舶代表我们公司在非洲提供服务,因此我们拥有了一段美妙的合作经历。这艘船舶具备的多种功能和装备使其完美配备了我们公司的水下作业需求,且该能力在其全球化实践中进一步得到凸显。




        值得注意的是,东方风能(DFO)作为宏华营造(Hung Hua Construction)的分公司,在2021年从挪威船东GC Rieber Shipping购买了该船舶,并将其从一艘施工支持船和Flex-Lay铺管船改造为电缆敷设船(CLV)。




DeepOcean to reunite with high-spec subsea vessel under new charter contract


DeepOcean is reuniting with the high-spec subsea vessel Orient Adventurer under a charter contract with Taiwanese Dong Fang Offshore (DFO) which will see the vessel join the Norwegian company’s fleet from early 2026 until the end of 2027.


DeepOcean will use Orient Adventurer primarily in Europe, but also globally for offshore wind operations and maintenance (O&M) and installation, as well as high-end inspection, maintenance, and repair (IMR), construction, and recycling of offshore oil & gas infrastructure.


The agreement also includes options for up to four additional years.


As part of the charter, DFO plans to open a branch office in Norway in 2025 to facilitate early deployment and ensure smooth execution of the project from 2026.


DFO CEO Chen Polin stated: “This commitment is the first time a Taiwanese offshore energy contractor has deployed vessels into the European market, and not only symbolizes a breakthrough in our vessel management and technical capabilities, but also proves that Taiwanese companies can secure a place in the most challenging global market.”


Formerly named Polar Onyx, the vessel is currently serving on an offshore wind contract in Southeast Asia. It is equipped with a 250-tonne crane and a vertical lay system (VLS) with a 275-tonne capacity. DeepOcean will install two remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) in hangars. There is also an option to install an underdeck carousel capable of carrying and installing power cables.


“We are excited to reunite with this high-quality subsea asset. We had a great experience with her during a previous three-year charter party, where the vessel served DeepOcean in Africa. The vessel’s versatility and equipment make her an excellent match for our subsea capabilities, underscored by the ability to operate across the globe,” said Øyvind Mikaelsen, CEO of DeepOcean.


“This capable and versatile vessel, combined with our ongoing organizational expansion and technological advancements, is paving the way for additional growth in sectors beyond conventional energy sources, in line with our long-term strategy.”


To remind, DFO, a subsidiary of Hung Hua Construction, purchased the vessel from GC Rieber Shipping in 2021, and converted it from a construction and flex lay vessel into a cable-laying vessel (CLV).
