Vattenfall 和 BASF 为德国海上风电项目召集一级承包商
作者: 发布时间:2025年02月02日 浏览量:20 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2025-02-02
翻译:国际海事信息网 檀智 张运鸿
Vattenfall 和 BASF 已与 EEW Special Pipe Constructions (EEW SPC) 和 CS Wind Offshore 签署了组件供应合同,并与 DEME 和 Jan De Nul 签署了德国 Nordlicht 1 和 Nordlicht 2 海上风电场的安装服务合同。
德国的 EEW SPC 将制造 112 个单桩基础,在罗斯托克工厂加工约 14.1 万吨钢材。这些直径达 10 米的单桩将用于支撑 Vestas 的 V236-15.0 MW 风力涡轮机。单桩的生产计划从 2025 年底开始,持续到 2027 年年中。
EEW SPC 项目管理负责人 Sebastian Mönnich 表示:“我们很高兴作为长期合作伙伴,为 Vattenfall 管理第五个海上风电项目。该项目也将为德国北海可再生能源的进一步扩展做出贡献。”
CS Wind Offshore 将提供过渡段,用于将涡轮机连接到单桩。Nordlicht 1 所需的 68 个过渡段和 Nordlicht 2 所需的 44 个过渡段将于 2025 年在 CS Wind Offshore 位于丹麦奥尔堡港的生产基地开始制造。
这并不是该公司第一次与 Vattenfall 合作,双方此前还合作了丹麦的 Vesterhav 海上风电场。
CS Wind Offshore 首席执行官 Hee-Joung Moon 表示:“我为我们的团队在达成这些协议中所表现出的奉献精神感到自豪,这凸显了我们有能力在奥尔堡工厂满足客户对 15MW 以上风力涡轮机过渡段的需求。我们始终致力于支持奥尔堡的就业,这里的风电产业发达,本地合作伙伴关系稳固。”
DEME 获得了价值超过 3 亿欧元的两份合同,负责 Nordlicht 1 和 Nordlicht 2 海上风电场 112 个基础的运输和安装。该公司还获得了两个风电场的冲刷防护合同。
DEME 将部署多艘船只,包括其海上安装船 Orion、一艘自升式船和一艘用于冲刷防护的抛石船。
比利时的 Jan De Nul 负责安装 196 公里的阵列间电缆,这些电缆将连接 Vestas 的 15 MW 涡轮机。据 Vattenfall 称,该公司将使用其电缆铺设船 (CLV) Connector 来完成这项任务。
Jan De Nul 海底电缆总监 Wouter Vermeersch 表示:“Nordlicht 是我们在德国接手的第六个海上可再生能源电缆项目。加上 2024 年在 Borkum Riffgrund 3 和 Gode Wind 3 安装 107 个基础的项目,Jan De Nul 进一步巩固了其作为德国海上绿色能源开发关键参与者的地位。”
此前,Vattenfall 和 BASF 已与 Havfram 签署了运输和安装服务合同,并与 TKF 签署了电缆供应合同。
Nordlicht 1 和 Nordlicht 2 海上风电场的装机容量分别为 980 MW 和 630 MW,位于德国北海博尔库姆岛以北约 85 公里处。
如果 2025 年最终投资决策通过,建设将于 2026 年开始,预计 2028 年全面投产。
项目完成后,这两个海上风电场的年发电量预计将达到 6 TWh,相当于 170 万德国家庭的用电量。
Vattenfall and BASF have signed contracts with EEW Special Pipe Constructions (EEW SPC) and CS Wind Offshore for component supply and with DEME and Jan De Nul for installation services for the Nordlicht 1 and Nordlicht 2 offshore wind farms in Germany.
Germany’s EEW SPC will manufacture 112 monopile foundations, processing around 141,000 tones of steel at the Rostock site. The monopiles, each with a diameter of ten meters, will hold Vestas’ V236-15.0 MW wind turbines.
Production of the monopiles is planned from the end of 2025 to mid-2027.
“We are delighted that we are now managing our fifth offshore wind project for Vattenfall as part of our well established partnership. This project also contributes to the further expansion of renewable energies in the German North Sea,” said Sebastian Mönnich, Head of Project Management at EEW SPC.
CS Wind Offshore will supply the transition pieces to connect the turbines to the monopiles. Manufacturing of the 68 transition pieces for Nordlicht 1 and the 44 transition pieces for Nordlicht 2 will commence at CS Wind Offshore’s production site at Aalborg Port, Denmark, starting in 2025.
This is not the first time that the company has been working with Vattenfall. They also collaborated on the Vesterhav offshore wind farms in Denmark.
“I applaud our team’s dedication in securing these agreements, which underscores our ability to meet our clients’ needs for transition pieces designed for +15MW wind turbines at our Aalborg facility. We remain committed to supporting job retention in Aalborg, where we benefit from a robust wind industry with strong local partnerships,” said Hee-Joung Moon, CEO of CS Wind Offshore.
DEME has been awarded two contracts, valued at over €300 million, for transporting and installing 112 foundations at the Nordlicht 1 and Nordlicht 2 offshore wind farms. The company also secured a contract for scour protection at both wind farms.
Several vessels will be deployed, including DEME’s offshore installation ship Orion, a jack-up vessel, and a fallpipe vessel for scour protection.
Belgian Jan De Nul has been tasked with installing 196 kilometers of inter-array cables that will connect Vestas’ 15 MW turbines. According to Vattenfall, the company will use its cable-laying vessel (CLV) Connector for this task.
“Nordlicht is the sixth cable project for offshore renewable energy we have lined up in Germany. Adding to the installation of 107 foundations on Borkum Riffgrund 3 and Gode Wind 3 in 2024, Jan De Nul strengthens its position as a key player in the development of offshore green energy in Germany,” said Wouter Vermeersch, Director of Subsea Cables at Jan De Nul.
Previously, Vattenfall and BASF already awarded contracts to Havfram for transport and installation services and to TKF for the supply of cables.
The 980 MW Nordlicht 1 and the 630 MW Nordlicht 2 offshore wind farms are located around 85 kilometers north of the island of Borkum in the German North Sea.
Subject to final investment decisions in 2025, construction is set to begin in 2026, with full commissioning expected by 2028.
Once completed, the offshore wind farms’ combined production is expected to be around 6 TWh per year, equal to the electricity consumption of 1.7 million German households.