




Aramo Shipping迎来液化石油气/氨气双燃料运输船

作者:   发布时间:2024年04月28日    浏览量:188   字体大小:  A+   A- 

Aramo Shipping迎来液化石油气/氨气双燃料运输船

来源:Offshore Energy 2024-04-26
翻译:国际海事信息网 赵扬捷 张运鸿

         日本航运巨头三井物产航运(MOL)的集团公司 Aramo Shipping(新加坡)从同胞造船厂 Namura Shipbuilding 接收了一艘液化石油气(LPG)双燃料液化气/氨气运输船。

        据悉,"Aquamarine Progress II "号液化石油气/氨气运输船长 230 米,宽 36.6 米,货舱容量为 87,119 立方米。

        该船将根据与日本液化石油气进口商和分销商 GYXIS 公司签订的定期租船合同航行。

        双燃料装置可以使用液化石油气或传统重油。据商船三井称,与重油相比,使用液化石油气作为燃料时,二氧化碳排放量可减少约 20%,硫氧化物(SOx)和颗粒物(PM)可减少 90%。


        该船的命名仪式于 2024 年 3 月 12 日在 Namura 造船公司的 Imari 工厂举行。商船三井物产希望通过 "Aquamarine Progress II "号的运营,与 "GYXIS "号一起为日本的液化石油气稳定供应做出更大贡献。

        商船三井物产集团制定了到 2050 年实现温室气体(GHG)净零排放的目标。该公司最近决定利用基于日本《加强产业竞争力法》的绩效利息补贴制度,通过银团转型挂钩贷款筹集资金。


        3 月 28 日,国土交通大臣批准了商船三井物产的业务适应计划。商船三井物产是日本首家使用该系统的航运公司。


MOL’s Aramo Shipping welcomes LPG dual-fuel LPG/ammonia carrier

Aramo Shipping (Singapore), a group company of Japanese shipping major Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), has taken delivery of a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) dual-fuel LPG/ammonia carrier from compatriot shipyard Namura Shipbuilding.

As informed, the LPG/ammonia carrier Aquamarine Progress II has a length of 230 meters, a breadth of 36.6 meters, and a cargo tank capacity of 87,119 cbm.

The ship will sail under a time charter contract with GYXIS Corporation, a Japanese LPG importer and distributor.

The dual-fuel unit can run on either LPG or conventional heavy oil. According to MOL, when LPG is used as fuel, CO2 emissions could be reduced by about 20% and sulfur oxides (SOx,) particulate matter (PM) by 90%, compared to heavy oil. 

In addition, the vessel’s specifications allow for the transport of ammonia as well as LPG. Ammonia, which emits no carbon dioxide during combustion, is expected to increase in demand in the future as a next-generation clean energy source.

The naming ceremony for the vessel was held on March 12, 2024, at the Imari Works of Namura Shipbuilding. Along with GYXIS, MOL expects to further contribute to the stable supply of LPG to Japan through the operation of the Aquamarine Progress II.

MOL Group has set the target of achieving net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. The company recently decided to raise funds through a syndicated transition-linked loan using the performance-based interest subsidy system based on Japan’s Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness.

The subsidy system is part of the financial support program to promote transitions towards carbon neutrality under the jurisdiction of Japan’s Ministry of Economy.

The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism approved MOL’s business adaptation plan on March 28. MOL is the first Japanese shipping company to make use of this system.
